Individual Activities
- Assignment
- Debate
- Pen-Paper Test
- Oratorial Competition
- Participation in Inter-school, Intra school competitions [Debate, Quiz, Presentation etc]
- Seminar
- Presentation
- Project
- Drawing, Painting and Colouring
- Appearing in External Competitive Examinations [ASSET, Olympiad, GTT, IIT etc]
Group Activities
- Inter disciplinary Project
- Group Presentation
- Tour Activities
- Parent activity
Inclusive Classroom Training and Counselling
Children with diverse needs (children with special needs (CWSN)) in all aspects get accommodated in to inclusive set up. They enjoy and access to the normal schooling. They involve themselves into regular streams of classrooms, adapting to changes and meet the needs of day to day routine in class room activities.
Our school has an Inclusive set up. It has two main streams. One is special education and the other is counseling. We have formed a School Inclusion Committee comprising of the following four members.
Chair Person – Principal (Mr.T. Thavasi Mony)
Teacher representative – Mrs.Mohana sivakumar, Mrs S Jayashree
Special Educator – Mrs.Madhavi
School Counselor – Mrs.Chandrika
We inaugurated a resource room in academic year 2015 -16.Children With Special Needs (cwsn) are being given effective remedial classes by our special educator. Inclusive children are being provided all kinds of support to enhance their all-round development. They are showing progress day by day. We are giving positive reinforcement to them to build their self-confidence.
We have a counselor who gives psychological counseling to children as well as the parents. Most of our students particularly the adolescent students try to analyze themselves and stream line their academic responsibilities as well as behavioral issues.