Scouting and Guiding

Today, as we are preparing our children to face the 21st century, which has no patience to care for their wellbeing, we organize yoga classes to highlight the significance of Yoga to lead stress free life. Yoga exercises direct and tangible benefits to the beneficiaries. “Yoga balances and harmonizes the body and emotions”
Asanas work on their pranic, mental and Pranayamas as well. Children of classes IV-X are well experienced in yoga asanas. Children are asked to practice yoga everyday as children are hunched long hours with books, computer or in front of T.V.
Yoga also helps in stimulating blood circulation throughout the body properly, squeezes stagnant blood, squeezes toxins out of the joints and sustains mind and body hale and healthy.
Children are guided in ploughing, tilling, sowing seeds, weeding, watering and setting fence to set up a garden.
Information Technology
Children are asked to analyze, discuss and prepare projects by using different computer software.
Children are guided in making clay models like pots, pot banks etc.,
Few children from classes IX and X are taken to nearby village, Krishnavaram, to teach the basics of writing and reading to the uneducated people.
Children are taught back stitch, circle stitch, double colour circle stitch, change stitch, triangle stitch and open chain stitch.
Children are taught to draw, sketch and paint under the guidance of our Art teacher.
Jewellery Making
Children are facilitated in the preparation of jewellery making such as rings, necklaces, earrings , bracelets and pendants.
Children are initially taught basic hand stitches like running-stitch, back stitch ,chain stitch, overlock stitch and humming stitch.
General Assembly Activities
Wealth from waste
Children are taught to use waste materials constructively to craft into wealth ( Useful resources)
This training institute of Brakes India extend their support to cater training on mechatronics and Lathe for our children to understand it’s working nature
Go Green
Children get involved in the process of maintaining the school campus clean and green.
Children are taught to sing songs and tune music. They will take care of the morning assembly also.
Book Binding
Children are taught to bind the books in the library. Also they are taught how to keep library books in the racks neatly as per number.
Pin and Head
Children are taught to use pin and head to embellish the cards. These cards are mainly used to invite guests to Vidya peetam.
Education For Life
Teachers engage children in activities exhibiting ethics, morality, trend, fad and fashion and advertisements.